Rose of Venezuela 绣球树 @Punggol Water Ridges & Waterway Banks (2020 0811)
Location: Punggol Water Ridges & Waterway Banks
Brownea grandiceps - Rose of Venezuela, Scarlet Flame Bean - small tree with spectacular red flowers is a tropical tree belonging to the pea and bean family (Fabaceae/Leguminosae). It is one of 12 species in the genus Brownea, which was named in honour of Dr Patrick Browne (1720–1790), an Irish botanist and physician.. A true tropical, it requires frost-free environment with hight air humidity. The plant grows into a nice small size tree, with dense umbrella-like spreading canopy.
The flower lasts a few days, however the view is unforgettable.
Common Name: Panama Flame Tree
Origin: South America