Rhodomyrtus tomentosa 桃金娘 (2021 0201)
Also known as rose myrtle
Native to southern and southeastern Asia, from India, east to southern China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Philippines, and south to Malaysia and Sulawesi.
Flowering period is from July to August; the fruit is berry, green when immature, mature between August and October, turn dark purple when mature, the size of a cherry, red flesh, sweet and edible.
Myrtle fruit has rich nutritional value. Its roots can be used as medicine. The medicinal properties are flat, sweet and astringent, promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, astringent and relieve diarrhea, and are mainly used for rheumatism and bone pain and low back pain. The leaves also have medicinal value. Chew and paste on wound to stop bleeding. Don’t over eat and use.
Locate: Gallop Extension @Singapore Botanic Gardens
Young time snack in the forest
Singapore White Rhododendron