Japanese Morning Glory 圆叶牵牛花 @Aft Tai Seng Stn Exit C (2021 0406)
It is native to most of the tropical world - Central America and Mexico,
The funnel-shaped, colorful flowers (blue to reddish purple, with whitish tube) are quite showy and are individually up to five in often dense cymose groups, in which fully developed flowers and developing buds stand together. They open in the morning and close by the afternoon. The long, thorny hairy sepals have a length of 15 to 25 mm, they are long lanceolate and have a linear-lanceolate tip. The crown is blue, purple or almost scarlet red. The throat is often colored white. The crown tube has a length of 3 to 5 cm, the crown hem has a width of 4 to 5 cm.
Locate: After Tai Seng Station Exit C