Setambun 小花木奶果 @Melati Gate - Singapore Botanic Gardens

 Setambun 小花木奶果 @Melati Gate - Singapore Botanic Gardens (2021 0412)

Scientific Name: Baccaurea parviflora (Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg.

Family Name: Phyllanthaceae

Common Name: Setambun, Setamban, Wild Rambai, Rambai Hutan

Native Distribution: Myanmar, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra and Borneo.

Locate: Melati Gate @ Botanic Gardens

Getting There:

MRT Botanic Gardens (DT9/CC19)

Flowers Its male and female flowers are borne on separate plants. The small flowers are yellowish-green. The scented male flowering clusters are 10-20 cm long and found upright on a ring-like burs on the trunk. The female flowering clusters are 15-31 cm long and found at the base of the trunk, with reddish stalks.
