Berrya javanica 六翅木属 @Supertree Grove (2021 0516)
Family: Malvaceae
Scientific Name: Berrya javanica (Turcz.) Burret, Burret, K.E. (1924) Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 9 : 605.
Native: India, Malaysia & Polynesia
Flowers: Calyx about 6 mm long, clothed in stellate hairs, splitting from the apex usually into two lobes. Petals about 7-9 mm long. Anther sacs confluent.
Fruit: Fruits about 15-20 mm long, stellate hairy, winged, two wings for each locule. Calyx lobes persistent at the base. Aril mottled brown and white. Embryo green.
Locate: Super Grove @Gardens by the Bay
Getting There:
MRT BayFront (CE2/DT16) Exit B (Marina Bay Sand Hotel) via Underpass