Etlingera elatior 'White Torch' 火炬姜 @Colonia Garden - World of Plant

 Etlingera elatior 'White Torch' 火炬姜 @Colonia Garden - World of Plant (2021 0516)

Family Name:     Zingiberaceae

Common Name:               White Torch Ginge

Flowers The flower stem is produced by the rhizome (underground horizontal stem). The inflorescence is a spike or head composed of porcelain-white bracts embedded with tiny, yellow true flowers. The flowers are arranged in 3-4 concentric circles on a flat base known as a receptacle.

Fruits     Fleshy, indehiscent fruits are known as capsules and contain many, black seeds. They are arranged in a round, fruiting head (2.5 cm wide)

Locate: Colonia Garden @Gardens by the Bay

Getting There:

MRT BayFront (CE2/D16) Exit B (Marina Bay Sands Hotel) via Underpass
