Flame of the Forest 鳳凰木@Auto Rider Station @ Bayfront Plaza - Gardens by the Bay

 Flame of the Forest 鳳凰木@Auto Rider Station @ Bayfront Plaza - Gardens by the Bay (2021 0525)

Delonis regia (Fabaceae)

Native to Madagascar

Common name: royal poinciana, flamboyant, flame of the forest, or flame tree, 影樹、凤凰树、凤凰花、金鳳、火鳳凰、洋楹、紅花楹(广州)、火樹、紅火楹、火焰木、森之炎、攀霞拿

Locate: Bayfront Plaza Car Park @Gardens by the Bay

Getting There:

MRT BayFront (CE1/DT16) Exit B (Marina Bay Sands Hotel Underpass)
