Binjai Tree Flower (Mangifera caesia) @Sengkang Riverside Park (2021 0602)
Family Name: Anacardiaceae
Synonyms: Mangifera kemanga Blume
Common Name: jack, white mango, binjai (Malay language), wani (Balinese language), yaa-lam (Thai language), bayuno/baluno/belunok (Filipino language) and mangga wani (Cebuano language)
Flowers Its violet to lilac flowers are up to 1 cm long each, borne on a branched inflorescences up to 40 cm long.
Fruits Its fleshy fruits are pear-shaped drupes, that ripen to pale brown, 10-19 cm long and 5-10 cm wide, containing a single pink seed enclosed with a hard endocarp.
Native: It is native to Guam, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam and Widely cultivated in areas of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines.
Locate: Anchorvale Road @Sengkang Riverside Park Lawn
The binjai is a large tree with a dense crown and it is of the mango family. It is known to behold with eye-catching violet to lilac flower and resemble lavender from April to June, but does not fruit every year.