Heritage Building - Ridley Hall – Singapore Botanic Gardens

 Heritage Building - Ridley Hall – Singapore Botanic Gardens (2021 0407)

Address: 1 Cluny Rd Singapore 259569

Built in 1883, Ridley Hall is a one-storey building of brick and plaster construction with pitched tiled roof. The generous overhanging roof eaves protect the walls and interiors from the tropical sun and rain. The large timber framed windows with louvers are typical of the period as a means to allow for light and good ventilation.

Its modest appearance belies its historical significance not just for the Gardens, but for Singapore and the world. It is one of the oldest structures in the SBG and was used by Henry Nicholas Ridley as his office and laboratory. Ridley was the first director of the SBG from 1888-1912, and is most well-known for successfully domesticating the wild rubber plant. This led to the birth of the modern rubber industry that transformed the economic landscape of Malaya and industry of the modern world. It brought prosperity to the region and led to the spread of rubber plantations around the world.
