Heritage Building - Townerville 陶纳园 - Conservation Terrace House

 Heritage Building - Townerville 陶纳园 - Conservation Terrace House (1920s)(2021 0424)

Locate: McNair Road & Towner Road Singapore 328546

The terrace houses, bounded by McNair Road, Towner Road and May Road, were designed in a combination of Malay, Chinese and European architectural styles. Every unit is made up of unique features such as a high ceiling, wide verandah, balcony, courtyard and picture rails and skirting. The rows of double-storey houses that were built way back in the 1920s and were once used as government quarters.


The six blocks of 84 houses are largely divided into three distinct groups. The 24 apartments along McNair Road are European-looking, while the 34 units, situated at the junction of Towner and May Roads, were built with Chinese-influenced low parapet walls in the verandah and unique column heads. The remaining have Malay-styled pointed roofs.

Getting There:

MRT Boon Keng (NE)

McNair Road Terrace

McNair Road Terrace

Towner Road Terrace

McNair Road Terrace (Main Road)

McNair Road Apartment
