Pandanus tectorius Parkinson 露兜树 @Jurong Lake Gardens

Pandanus tectorius Parkinson 露兜树 @Jurong Lake Gardens (2021 1023)

Family Name:     Pandanaceae

Synonyms:           Pandanus odoratissimus

Common Name:               Pandanus Palm, Screw Pine, Mengkuang Laut, Mengkuang Duri, Pandan Darat, Pandan, 露兜树

Apart from the palms, this is the only other monocot tree on our seashore. Like other monocots, it has parallel veins and one can peel off each leaf with the leaf sheath. There are lots of spines along the edges of the leaves. It may develop prop roots, and there are numerous warts on the stem.

The male flowers occur in cone-like bunches, and are yellowish-white in colour. The female flowers appear like miniatures of the fruits but are whitish or greenish. The fruits turn orange as they mature. The leaves are used for weaving hats and mats, and for thatching. The male flowers yield an essential oil used to scent clothes.
