Australian Flame Tree @Loyang Lane

Australian Flame Tree @Loyang Lane (2022 0209)

Regions on the East Coast of Australia

Location: Simei Road near the Tunnel at Tampines Street 31 above PIE

Along Jurong West Street 93

Similarly to its kurrajong relatives the leaves are variable, with up to 7 deep lobes. It is deciduous - shedding its leaves after the dry season. The spectacular flowering occurs in late spring and new foliage is ready for the summer rains. In areas where the winter is not particularly dry, this natural rhythm may become somewhat erratic and the tree may flower only partially.

Flowers are scarlet bells with 5 partially fused petals. The pod-like fruits (technically known as follicles) are dark brown, wide, boat-shaped and about 10 cm long. They contain masses of thin bristles that stick in the skin of humans, as well as yellow seeds. These are nutritious and are traditionally eaten by Aborigines after toasting.
