Temple Taoist - Tan Si Chong Su & Po Chiak Keng Temple 陈氏宗祠, 保赤宫

Temple Taoist - Tan Si Chong  Su & Po Chiak Keng Temple 陈氏宗祠, 保赤宫 (2022 0409)

Locate: Central Hall

Address: 15 Magazine Rd, Singapore 059568

Open: 0900-2300 Hours


It was constructed between 1876 and 1878 as the ancestral temple for those with the same Tan surname, The Temple also dedicated to Kai Zhang Sheng Wang (開漳聖王), the Patron Deity and founder of Zhangzhou City in China.

The temple is also known as the "Tan Seng Haw" and Po Chiak Keng (保赤宫, also written as Bao Chi Gong and other variants), meaning "palace for the protection of the innocent", reflecting its earlier role as a place that provided help for those in disputes as well as new Chinese immigrants in Singapore
