Yellow Flame 黄花盾柱木 @Compassvale Ancilla

Yellow Flame 黄花盾柱木 @Compassvale Ancilla (2022 0428)

Yellow Flame (Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) Backer ex K.Heyne)
Family:             Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

Synonyms:        Peltophorum ferrugineum

Common Name:           Yellow Flame, Jemerlang Laut, Yellow Flamboyant, Jamerelang, Balai, Batai, Batai Laut, Yellow Poinciana, Copper Pod, Rusty Shield Bearer, Rusty-shield Tree, 盾柱木, 黄盾柱木, 双翼豆, 翼果盾柱木


Flowers Flowers have orange stamens and, each flower has crinkled petals with a reddish brown mark in the centre. It would be fragrant particularly at night. These flower clusters would then develop into seedpods of about 5-10cm long and 2.5cm broad.

Trees will flower after 4 years. Flowers may occur throughout the year for younger trees, however, flowering usually occurs from March-May and a second flush of flowers may occur in September-November.


Locate: Compassvale Ancilla

Getting There:

MRT Buangkok (NE3) Exit A
