Robotic Coffee Machine Operations @One Punggol

Robotic Coffee Machine Operations @One Punggol (2023 01 04)

Coffee powder and Tea Leaves Station

Moving 1st Coffee Brewing Pot to fill with Coffee Powder or Tea Leaves

Taking Hot Water in 1st Coffee Brewing Pot

Put 1st Coffee Brewing Pot into Station

Ready the 2nd coffee brewing pot

Taking Coffee filter bag and put into 2nd Coffee Brewing Pot

Taking out Coffee Stirring stick

First push down the filet bag on 2nd Coffee Brewing Pot and stir the coffee in 1st Coffee Brewing Pot for 3 times

Return the stirring stick to it position

Pour the stir coffee in 1st Coffee Brewing Pot into the 2nd Coffee Brewing Pot, pull away and move nearest to the 2nd Coffee Brewing Pot

Taking the 2nd Coffee Brew Pot and pour back to 1st Coffee Brew Pot, pull away and move nearest to the 1st Coffee Brewing Pot

After finished pouring, return 2nd Coffee Brewing Pot into station and lift 1st Coffee Brewing Pot

And pour into Coffee Station or Tea Station

Return 1st Coffee Brewing Pot to station, with face facing down, water will automatic flash the coffee brewing pot

Remove 2nd Coffee Brewing Pot Filter bag

And drop into bin

Now turn over the 2nd Coffee Brewing Pot onto station, water will flash and clean the coffee brewing Pot automatically

Robotic Coffee Machine return to resting position
